[4K Takumi] Sex in a car with a beautiful girl found in a dating app! Persuading a beautiful girl who is ashamed of having sex in a car and continuously cum based on the libido! featuring Satori Fujinami.
- Actor
- Satori Fujinami
- Maker
- Release Date
- 28/12/2018 18:00
- Time
- 1hr. 7min. 43sec.
- Genre
- Young and Pretty, Shapely Tits, Cowgirl
- Frame Rate
- 60fps
- File Size
- 3K(mp4) [14.42GB] / PSVR(mp4) [11.65GB] / 4K(mp4) [18.93GB] / 2K(mp4) [4.83GB]
- File Function
- Linkage Function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
- Support Device
- iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
- Interlocking Goods
- A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
- - ((What is D-JOCKEY?))
- Customer Reviews
Movie Introduction
Hey...This is so embarrassing... Embarrassment doubles the excitement! The thrill of close up sex in a car eventually turns into excitement! Can't wait for the hotel nor home! Wanna do it in a car? Let's do it. A man who can't hold his libido and an ashamed girl. The shame eventually turns into excitement, making the girl allowing him to cum in her vagina!
Purchase (unlimited)
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* Check here for a quick reference list of files supported by each device.
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* Files for PC/PSVR (PSVR version) aren't supported for +1D.
* Interlocking goods "MAIKO-DOS" are not supported.
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おまめさん - 2023/01/03