[Standard] Married Call-Girl with Secrets, Disciplined to Become a Sub, starring Mihina
Watch a sample of this movie.- Actor
- Mihina
- Maker
- KMPVR-bibi-
- Release Date
- 29/10/2021 00:00
- Time
- 1hr. 28min. 50sec.
- Genre
- massage parlor, Wives, Blowjob, Creampie, Cowgirl
- Frame Rate
- 30fps
- File Size
- 4K [7.34GB] / 2K [4.61GB]
- File Function
- Linkage Function, Chapter function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
- Support Device
- iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
- Interlocking Goods
- ROCKET+1D, A10PISTON SA, A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
- Piston Prince
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- Customer Reviews
Movie Introduction
The married woman works in the call-girl service while keeping it a secret from her husband. One day, her regular threatens her by saying he would tell her husband about it. He successfully abducts and confines her. She accepts his discipline even in desperation, but as time passes by, she gradually becomes obedient. Directed by Takashi Marumo.
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