- Actor
- Rin Kira
- Maker
- ナチュラルハイ
- Release Date
- 22/01/2021 10:00
- Time
- 1hr. 24min. 13sec.
- Genre
- Nympho, Bondage, Anal
- Frame Rate
- 60fps
- File Size
- 4K [17.75GB] / 4K [14.78GB] / 2K [5.13GB]
- File Function
- Linkage Function, Chapter function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
- Support Device
- iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
- Interlocking Goods
- ROCKET+1D, A10PISTON SA, A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
- Piston Prince
((What is D-JOCKEY?))
- Customer Reviews
Movie Introduction
The slut is tiny and cute, but she is so aggressive, and she is going to take control of your masturbation! "Rub it harder!" she talks so dirty to make you horny and tell you how you have to rub it. It's overwhelming when she toys with your nipples while she gives you a footjob! Let her fuck your ass with a strap-on dildo, and ejaculate! [Directed by Symmetry Nakata]
Purchase (unlimited)
※Download + Streaming* Go to the L-POINT settlement page.
Please click on your device to check the corresponding file.
* Check here for a quick reference list of files supported by each device.
Please check before purchasing.
* Interlocking goods "MAIKO-DOS" are not supported.
Check here the operation.
- 2022/08/15