
4KHQ] Late at night, an older woman sneaks into the shower room of a gym and has a sexual intercourse with an older woman who is a muscular-training lascivious woman.

  • Actor: Nonoka Sato
  • SODクリエイト
  • 1hr. 25min. 53sec.
  • 16/11/2023 10:00
  • 4KHQ
  • Linkage
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Nonoka Sato
Release Date
16/11/2023 10:00
1hr. 25min. 53sec.
Gyaru, Nympho, Sweaty
Frame Rate
File Size
4K [12.53GB] / 3K [11.90GB] / 2K [3.15GB]
File Function
Linkage Function, Chapter function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
Support Device
iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
Interlocking Goods
ROCKET+1D, A10PISTON SA, A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
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Movie Introduction

The world was truly in the era of the "herbivorous man. Men continued to pursue their dreams of graduating from virginity, aiming to become carnivorous women who prey on herbivorous men. ...... However! It was only an illusion that herbivorous men were popular! They only said, "I like carnivorous guys, but I also like herbivorous guys..." in order to be popular in all directions. In reality, they only wanted carnivorous guys like a certain dance and vocal group or roll cabbage guys like a famous idol agency. In reality, they were only looking for the carnal types like a certain dance and vocal group or the roll-cabbage types like famous idol agencies! No one was interested in virgins who just wanted to have sex while pretending to be nice! The men were astonished to learn this fact. Some fell to their knees, some cried out in public, some became wise and set out to stop the conflict, some had a beast in their right hand,...... and finally some even hanged themselves. The present world is full of falsehoods, a life without salvation. Men who are not looked upon by women have no joy in life.... But !!!!! There was one man who held on to hope. As soon as he learned that herbivores are not popular, he immediately registered as a member of ChikoZapu and spent 50,000 yen on sportswear and running shoes at Am●z●n. (His take-home pay was not that much!) ), and bought up all the protein sold at Alp●n T●ky● in Shinjuku. Who is that man? That's you. You go to the gym late at night with "friendship, hard work, and victory" in your heart, dreaming of losing your virginity. ...... You never knew that the day would soon come when you would lose your virginity to a blonde bimbo in a cramped shower room.

■Director Name
Yoya Nekomata'.


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