【通常版】欲求不満女が謎の媚薬で幽体離脱!「気がつくと異空間へGoToトリップ!!花魁憑依」見せつけVR-AV史上初。超ナマ壺騎乗位、天井特化~有村のぞみ 有村のぞみ【購入特典】「のぞみちゃんと乾杯!」生ライブのアーカイブ付き!

[Standard] Astral Projection of Frustrated Woman, Caused by a Mysterious Drug

  • Actor: Nozomi Arimura
  • 2hr. 38min. 56sec.
  • 21/01/2022 10:00
  • Linkage
  • Streaming Support
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Nozomi Arimura
Release Date
21/01/2022 10:00
2hr. 38min. 56sec.
Big Tits, Creampie, Kimono/Japanese Clothes/Yukata, Blowjob, missionary, Cowgirl
Frame Rate
File Size
4K [11.10GB] / 2K [6.94GB]
File Function
Linkage Function, Chapter function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
Support Device
iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Go, Oculus Quest, Gear VR, PlayStation VR, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
Interlocking Goods
ROCKET+1D, A10PISTON SA, A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
Piston PrincePiston Prince ((What is D-JOCKEY?))
Customer Reviews

Movie Introduction

Welcome to the most immersive, fifth state-of-the-art latest soap opera in VR! A couple who got into a rut bought unusual medicine on the internet. The girl wanted her boyfriend to get horny because he won't sleep with her anymore. What she didn't know though, is that the drug she bought causes astral projection! Directed by Himurokku.


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* Interlocking goods "MAIKO-DOS" are not supported.

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