[Standard Resolution version] A cat-like lady who suddenly came to my house was a slut who calls herself a thief!
- Actor
- Mio Ichijo, Riona Minami
- Maker
- Release Date
- 28/12/2018 20:04
- Time
- 53min. 49sec.
- Genre
- Face-to-face, Doggy, Cat Ear
- Frame Rate
- 30fps
- File Size
- avi [9.36GB] / H.265(mp4) [3.70GB] / H.264(mp4) [3.76GB]
- File Function
- Linkage Function (Click here to read about VR+1D)
- Support Device
- iPhone, Android, PC, Oculus Quest, DPVR-4D, SKYWORTH-4D
- Interlocking Goods
- A10 CYCLONE SA (Click here to read about interlocking goods)
- - ((What is D-JOCKEY?))
- Customer Reviews
Movie Introduction
While I was masturbating at home with kinky VR video I heard someone. Excuse me! I got surprised and took my VR goggle off and I saw...a beautiful girl who resembles a cat! All of these happened so suddenly so I was bewildered, fully naked. Then she starts to go on a rampage, yelling Oh, you pervert! A lecher! How dare you have your penis exposed? As soon as she calms down she approaches and says Oh, I didn't recognize how handsome you are. You're really my type! I talked back, saying What do you mean, I'm your type? Who the hell are you? This is my room and I was wanking! I'm the one who wants to scream! Then she says things that are almost breaking the internet streaming code...just a little too much. Who, me? I'm a thief! See? I have cute eyes like cats do, don't you think? It's why people call me Cat's Eye. I was just hoping her to leave ASAP then she says I've decided my target for today. It's...your penis! I wonder what the hell she is saying? [Erotic contents] VR Masturbation, handjob, kiss, blowjob, showing anal, licking tits, sitting position(facing front and back)
Purchase (unlimited)
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* Check here for a quick reference list of files supported by each device.
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* Interlocking goods "MAIKO-DOS" are not supported.
Check here the operation.
のろすけ - 2019/01/05